dimecres, 18 de març del 2009


Ahir va ser St Patrici, dia oficial de Irlanda, he pensat que era un bon moment per parlar-vos, i més ara que estic veient com surt el sol, de la meva “família Irlandesa”. Aquest estiu farà cinc anys que varem anar a Cork, una ciutat molt maca al sud de Irlanda, allà ens esperaven a casa seva una familia, en Jeff i la Siobhan, la primera nit va ser inoblidable, entre una gran turmenta i dues persones que parlaven un idioma que en principi alguna cosa en sabíem però no enteníem res, ens van entrar ganes de dir, tornem que això d’aprendre llengües no està fet per nosaltres.
El dia següent, quan va sortir el sol (bé, és un dir...) els núvols ens van acompanyar durant totes les tres setmanes, varem començar a descobrir un nou mon, l’Ainhoa i jo varem fer una bona parella jo parlava i ella entenia, i agafarem mica en mica coneixements d’angles, però per sobre de tot, es va anar creant una gran relació d’amistat entre nosaltres i la família Irlandesa. De cop, ens sentirem com a casa, estàvem molt a gust, no solament ens van obrir casa seva, sinó també els seus cors, ens varem sentir que tenien cura nostra, que ens ajudaven en aprendre la llengua. I ens ensenyaren part del seu país, però no solament això, descobriren que l’amabilitat irlandesa és real, ho havíem llegit, però mai ho hagués dit, la gent d’aquell país està a un nivell que no estem aquí per a res del mon. La gent del carrer (l’Ainhoa estava embarassada de l’Albert) si no es trobava bé la gent pel carrer preguntava si podia fer alguna cosa, a Barcelona la gent es retira, com si fóssim la brutícia de la societat.
Durant tres setmanes ens varem sentir les persones més afortunades del mon, no solament apreníem una llengua i una cultura, sinó que compartíem molt més, grans rialles i ens obriren el cor. En Jeff i la Siobhan sense cap necessitat ens van obrir casa seva i van fer molt més que altres persones conegudes farien, ens van fer sentir com si fóssim durant anys, varem riure molt, i el record que tenim és molt bo.
Les llengües separen, però el voler-les aprendre ens apropa, i sé que a Irlanda vaig deixar una part del meu cor i sé que la millor acadèmia no estava al centre de Cork sinó a Douglas, perquè a més, d’aprendre angles prenen una cervesa o una copa de vi, i fent grans amistats, aprenies que és l’amabilitat, la tolerància, la bondat, el compromís, la generositat...

Yesterday it was a St Patrick, official day of Ireland, I have thought that it was a good moment to speak to you, and more now that I am seeing how the sun is rising , of my "Irish family". This summer it will be five years that we launch to go to Cork, a very nice city in the south of Ireland, there they waited to us at home a family they were Jeff and the Siobhan, the first night was unforgettable, among one great rain and two persons who spoke a language that in principle something we knew but did not understand nothing, entered us desires of suggesting, we come back that this of learning languages is not made for us.On the following day, when it went out uses it (well, suggesting is one...) the clouds went us during all three weeks, we launch to start to discover a new world. Ainhoa and I launch to make a good couple I talked and she understood, and we will take little by little knowledge of angles, but above everything, a great relationship of friendship kept on being created between us and the Irish family. At once, we will feel as a home house, we were very at ease, not only they opened us home, but also the theirs hearths, we launch to feel that they had care of ours, which they helped for us on learning the language. And they showed us part of their country, but not only this, they discovered that the Irish kindness is real, we had read it, but it had never said it, the people of that country are at a level that we are not here for anything of the my. The people of the street (Ainhoa was pregnant of Albert) if the people were not found well for the street asked if he could make anything, in Barcelona the people withdraw, as if we were the dirt of the society.For three weeks we launch to feel the luckiest persons of the my, not only we learned a language and a culture, but shared much more, great laughs and they opened us the heart. In Jeff and the Siobhan without any need they opened us home of theirs and made much more that other known persons would make, they made us feel as if we were for years, we launch to laugh a lot, and the remembrance that we have is very good.The languages sort out, but the to want to learn them approaches us, and I know that in Ireland I left a part of my heart and I know that the best academy was not in the center of Cork but in Douglas, because moreover, of learning angles take a beer or a wine glass, and making friends great, you learned that the kindness, the commitment, the generosity, is the kindness, the tolerance...